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Copyright 1999 by the

Psychology in Spain, 1999, Vol. 3. No 1, 3-24

Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos

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Using Wittgensteinian methodology of conceptual analysis we show how the problem of the relationships between basic and applied psychological research has been considered in an inappropriate way, as a direct extrapolation of scientific knowledge for the solution of behavioural problems. The results of the conceptual analysis carried out allow the reformulation of the problem, recognising that: a) in the case of psychology, at least three ways of knowing can be identified; b) these are relatively independent of one another by virtue of their conditioning factors and their objectives; c) they are continuously interrelated through everyday language. The three ways of knowing are described, before moving on to an analysis of the example provided by The Experimental Analysis of Behaviour and Applied Behaviour Analysis. This analysis shows how two thematic fields, reproducing the logic of the direct extrapolation of scientific knowledge for developing a behavioural technology, constitute closed, isolated units, with almost negligible mutual communication. Some solutions to this problem are suggested in the light of its reformulation.

Mediante la metodología del análisis conceptual wingensteiniano se muestra cómo el problema de las relaciones investigación básica- aplicaciones en psicología se ha planteado de forma inadecuada, como una cuestión de extrapolación directa del conocimiento científico para la solución de problemas conductuales. Los resultados del análisis conceptual realizado permiten reformular el problema reconociendo que: a) en el caso de la psicología pueden identificarse al menos tres modos de conocimiento; b) relativamente autónomos unos de otros por sus condicionantes y objetivos; c) que se interrelacionan entre sí continuamente mediante el lenguaje cotidiano. Se caracterizan los tres modos de conocimiento identificados para pasar a analizar el ejemplo proporcionado por el Análisis Experimental de la Conducta y el Análisis Conductual Aplicado. Dicho análisis muestra cómo ambos campos temáticos, que reproducen la lógica de la extrapolación directa del conocimiento científico para desarrollar una tecnología conductual, constituyen islotes cerrados en sí mismos, que establecen comunicación apenas nominal. Se sugieren algunos modos de remediar este problema a la luz de la reformulación efectuada del mismo.

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The original Spanish version of this paper has been previously published in Apuntes de Psicología, 1999, No 1 and 2, 81-114
(*) This work originally came about as part of a series of lectures on the same topic organised by the Clinical Psychology Commission of the Spanish Psychological Association, which unfortunately did not get past the planning stage. I should like to thank Salvador Perona Garcelán for trusting me to take it on, even though its eventual destination was a different one from that which we initially had in mind.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Francisco Javier Carrascoso López. C/Sta. María Magdalena, nº 2, 4º D. 41008. Sevilla. Spain. E-mail: carrascoso@correo.cop.es


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