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Copyright 1999 by the

Psychology in Spain, 1999, Vol. 3. No 1, 98-103

Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos

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Risk factors in adolescence. The main objective of this research was to detect psychosocial and educational needs in the population aged between 12 and 18 from the city of Móstoles (Madrid Province, Spain). Data were collected from three groups of individuals: Aged 12-14 (n = 1363), Aged 15-18 (n = 1780) and 17-18 outside the school system (n = 113). The dimensions explored were related to a great variety of problems of adolescence: violence and aggression, eating patterns, self-esteem, racism, sexism, lack of solidarity, attitudes towards school and learning, academic achievement, relationships with parents and relationships between young people. Also studied were aspects related to leisure time and the consumption of addictive substances. A typology of young people was obtained in order to establish, through cluster analysis, needs groups that would be the object of future intervention. Three major categories were obtained, one of which could be considered as characteristic of adolescents at risk, and with the greatest need of intervention.

El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue la detección de necesidades psicosociales y educativas en la población de 12 a 18 años de Móstoles. Se recogieron datos de tres grupos de sujetos: de 12 a 14 años (n=1363), de 15 a 18 años (n=1780) y de 17-18 años no escolarizados (n=113). Las dimensiones exploradas se referían a una gran diversidad de problemáticas de la adolescencia: violencia y agresividad, alimentación, autoestima, racismo, sexismo, insolidaridad, actitudes hacia la escuela y el aprendizaje, rendimiento académico, relaciones con los padres y relaciones entre los jóvenes. También se estudiaron aspectos referidos a ocio y tiempo libre y consumos de sustancias adictivas. Se obtuvo una tipología de jóvenes, para establecer mediante análisis de conglomerados, grupos de necesidades, objeto de futuras invervenciones, resultando tres grandes categorías, una de los cuales podría considerarse como característica de los adolescentes en riesgo y con mayor necesidad de intervenciones.

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The original Spanish version of this paper has been previously published in Psicología Educativa, 1999, Vol. 4, No 2, 197-208
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to María Antonia Alvárez-Monteserín. Cuesta San Vicente, 4. 28008 Madrid. Spain. E-mail: monteserin@correo.cop.es


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