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Psychology in Spain, 2004, Vol. 8. No 1, 38-47

Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos

bodyFrancisco J. Medina, Miguel A. Dorado, Inmaculada F.J. de Cisneros, Alicia Arévalo and Lourdes Munduate.gif (2783 bytes)
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Behavioural sequences in the effectiveness of conflict management. The aim of this study was to analyze whether the use of conflict behaviour over the stages of an escalated conflict episode differs between effective and ineffective negotiators. Participants were asked to solve, on-line, an organizational conflict with a subordinate. The subordinate was a confederate who was instructed to escalate the conflict episode in three levels: trivialization – using avoiding behaviours; norms attacks – using indirect fight behaviours; and personal attacks – using direct fight behaviours. Conflict behaviour and effectiveness were assessed through observational measures. Sequential analysis showed that it is possible to differentiate between effective and ineffective participants, with effective participants reacting in a complementary way to both avoiding and direct fight behaviours.

El propósito del presente estudio fue analizar si los negociadores efectivos e inefectivos difieren en sus respuestas al escalamiento del conflicto. Los negociadores desarrollaron un rol play, mediado por ordenador, con un oponente ficticio que escalaba el episodio de conflicto en tres niveles: trivialización –utilizando conductas de evitación –; ataques a las normas de la empresa –utilizando conductas de lucha indirecta– y ataques personales –utilizando conductas de lucha directa–. Las conductas de gestión de conflicto utilizadas por los sujetos experimentales y la efectividad diádica se analizaron mediante la observación de las interacciones. Los results, derivados del análisis secuencial de la interacción, mostraron que los sujetos efectivos responden de forma complementaria tanto a las conductas de lucha directa, como a las conductas de evitación utilizadas por el oponente.

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The original Spanish version of this paper has been previously published in Psicothema, 2003, Vol. 15, No 1, 12-18
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Francisco J. Medina, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Sevilla, 41005 Sevilla (Spain). E-mail: fjmedina@us.es

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